Remote Stuff

The Latest From Trucker Command...

Welcome to the Trucker Feed, waiting for data...

FN = First Name
LN = Last Name
BS = Big Screen (in other words movie, not TV)
BSC = Big Screen character (not TV)


If at all possible, listen to the contest via our Discord server. Discord has several advantages over the official 90FM stream: there's less delay, you can voice chat and text chat with teammates, and you can hear what's going on at HQ.

  1. Download and install the Discord client.
  2. Our Discord address is
  3. Once you have successfully connected to the server, a server admin will need to give you access to the Remote Trucker HQ channel.
  4. Consult this handy PDF document, if you need help connecting to our server.

Chat Room

Discord includes a chat room so we will use that for chatting